kids makeup

Moms are always extremely considerate about their kids and when their little one asks about makeup, it becomes a dilemma for the majority of moms. It’s obvious for moms to think if it’s alright to apply makeup on their little’s baby skin. On the other hand, it’s evident that every little girl wants makeup at some point in her life, and it could be Halloween as well when she is trying to create a makeup look.

For the most part, the guidelines are that the kids can be five to six years old before you let them play with makeup but there is nothing wrong with buying makeup for the three-year-old girl who wants to experiment and create Halloween looks from the makeup items. So, if you are contemplating buying makeup, we are adding a few tips that will help you feel at ease when your little girl applies makeup!

Brand Name Doesn’t Guarantee Quality

It is quite evident that everyone thinks how big brand names promise the best quality because they use the highest quality ingredient but that’s the correct approach. This is because even the biggest brands have ingredients in their products that can trigger an allergic reaction. For this reason, you need to consider which product you are buying rather than being stuck on the brand.

You might not agree but that’s one of the most important parts. In addition to this, make sure that additional testing has been done on the makeup products that you are buying. You can also ask for the lab testing reports, particularly for eyeshade, blushers, and lipsticks. On top of everything, you must ensure that the makeup products are free from toxins.

Say No To Adult Makeup

Many moms think, “oh, it’s a one-time thing, she can just use my makeup” but it’s one of the biggest mistakes you will make. Your kid’s skin is multiple folds more sensitive as compared to adults, which is why it’s important to use makeup products that are gentle on the skin and have subtle ingredients. When it comes down to adult makeup, it is designed with long-lasting performance.

For this reason, the makeup is often waterproof, which makes it hard to remove. In addition, there are several additives that can harm the gentle skin of the baby. So, whenever you have to purchase makeup for the kids, make sure it is formulated for kids.

Look For The Expiry Date

Moms often give their old makeup to kids to play with but that’s another mistake you make, which can result in irritated and itchy skin. The adult makeup items are designed with artificial preservatives that can keep the products easy to use for over two years before they expire. This is impossible to avoid because every cosmetic uses preservatives to prevent the microbial spoilage that makes the cosmetics unsafe for kids.

When you are looking for makeup for kids, make sure to select cosmetic products with minimal preservatives. In addition, the ingredients should be natural, and don’t forget to check out the expiry date. you must only choose the makeup products with the expiry date of one to one and a half year for sealed items while the open items should only have six months of expiry.

No UV Protection

Adult cosmetic products are usually designed with ingredients that can block the UV rays, promising that it protects skin from the harsh sun rays. However, you must not fall for this trick when selecting cosmetic products for kids. According to research, the presence of UV and sunblock additives will result in cell deformation and can harm the skin and also lead to cancer with long-term exposure.

To avoid these harmful impacts, you must read the back of the product to ensure there are no UV protection additives in the kid’s makeup products.

Is It Washable?

In the majority of cases, the makeup brands use words like resistant, long-lasting, and permanent to market the makeup items, which practically means that they will be hard to remove. Since you are looking for makeup products that can be used for creating the Halloween look, you must look for washable makeup products, so it’s easy to apply and take off without harming the skin.